Project for a
Featured articles
Syria after Assad: rising from the ashes, the struggle for liberation continues
The collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s decades-long dictatorship last December has dramatically reshuffled the cards of Syria’s future. A sense of freedom and jubilation broke through among many Syrians following over five decades of tyranny. However, it is tempered by fear and unease
Discussing the global situation – report of PRMI meeting
At the end of December, an international meeting of organisations and supporters from twenty-two countries was held to discuss the current global situation and take a series of political decisions concerning the work of the Project for a Revolutionary Marxist International [PRMI].
Who are we?
At the end of August 2024, 130 people from 29 countries gathered to initiate the ‘Project for a Revolutionary Marxist International’. We are setting out with the aim of creating a revolutionary socialist international organisation rooted in the need for and diversity of working-class struggles, from the defence of economic and democratic rights to those against sexism, racism, queerphobia, and all forms of oppression, genocides, climate crisis, war, and neo-colonialism, and grounded in Marxism and socialist feminism as tools to understand and above all change the world.
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If you agree that a Revolutionary Marxist International that places the struggle of the working class in all its diversity at its heart or if you have questions about
what needs to be
done to achieve
this you can…